Life is Better in Hiking Boots - Part 5


The family had spent the entire weekend fixing up the sailboat.  The keel had broken during the last little outing which was a couple of years ago so we had a lot of work.  You boys all pitched in so we made good time and still had the Monday of the three day weekend to try it out on the Bay.  So we packed up a lunch and headed out to the boat launch not far from us.  We sailed out to the Bay, or I should say we motored out because there was very little wind.  As a matter of fact at one point while we were under sail we were actually going backward.  We headed out for about two hours this way getting frustrated that we couldn’t just sail.  We reached Red Rock, the island under the Richmond Bridge, had lunch, did a little exploring and then headed back.  By this time the wind had picked up a bit so we were able to leave the motor off.  We were all situated on various places on the boat, Jon at the helm.  It was truly quiet with the motor off out there in the middle of the Bay, very few other boats around.  Pop was joking around with you boys.  I can’t even remember what we were all talking about but I was watching quietly as you were all laughing.  The boat sliced through the water pushed only by the wind of the Bay and we could hear the gentle slosh of the water against the bow.  I soaked up the breeze and the sun and the laughter and everything was so smooth and quiet. Moments like these I call Magic Moments. They are those times in your life when everything is in alignment. They usually last from a few minutes to maybe a half hour if you are lucky and everything is absolutely perfect. There is nothing you would change. And if you can catch and absorb that moment, if you can soak it up and take it in, it will stay with you for a lifetime. I find that many of my magic moments are tied to nature.


We were on our annual trip to Spring Lake with the Campbells.  David and Deanne were  avid mountain bikers whose  favorite quote was “Let speed be your friend.”  Several of us went on a ride that started with a very steep upgrade on very rocky terrain.  The  guys all went ahead while Deanne was kind enough to stick with me as I made my way slowly up the hill.  Halfway up I had to dismount and walk my bike.  The rocks made the bike pop and twist as I worked it up the hill that quickly seemed more like a mountain.  It was about 90 degrees out and I was huffing and puffing, turning red with the exertion.   The sweat was dripping down the middle of my back, down my sides, and around the back of my neck.  I tasted the salt on my upper lip and could feel my energy slip away as I made my way to the top.  Deanne was a bit ahead of me as she was in better shape but was patient with my slow progress.  As we rounded the top of the hill we looked up to find a stunning crystal clear lake.  We stopped and our mouths dropped open.  We looked at each other and smiled reading the other’s mind.  We dropped our bikes and without a moment’s hesitation we both jumped in helmets, biking clothes and all!  I have never had anything feel so delicious, so refreshing — it was exactly what I needed at that very moment.  We floated around on our backs and laughed and soaked in the beauty of the lake, the cold water, the relief from the heat of the hot sun and I knew I was living another of those magic moments.


Life is Better in Hiking Boots - Part 6


Life is Better in Hiking Boots - Part 4