
CafeLit August 2022

Mei unconsciously fingered the large opening in her upper lip. She reread the crumpled newspaper clipping describing the team of healthcare workers due to arrive to perform cleft lip and palate surgeries. Putting the paper in the back pocket of her tattered shorts she climbed out her window just as the moon rose into the night sky. To keep herself moving she imagined herself as a rabbit running through the forest making as much progress as possible before sunrise. Ushi would be out looking for her as soon as she found Mei’s empty bed. Ushi had never even considered allowing her to have the surgery as it was her deformity that prompted the tourists to toss a multitude of coins in her direction. Tomorrow she would do no begging for Ushi.

As the health care workers pulled up to the hospital they were greeted with dragon dancers and drummers but also the anxious and desperate crowd of parents waiting hopefully with their children. The families gathered up their sleeping pads and pouches of food and stood in line calming their hot and tired children. The halls of the hospital had the pungent odor of urine and sweat but the workers barely noticed as they set up to work. Weighing, measuring, taking medical histories, evaluating the extent of their disability, their age, their general health. They chose the younger, the healthier, the ones who had some kind of support at home for those were the ones who had the best chance of having no complications from the surgery. Some of these children had been found abandoned on the side of the road, saved and adopted by a loving family who were often shunned and sometimes banished by their communities for taking these children in. Reluctantly the healthcare workers gave the difficult news to the parents of the older children who it was too late to help, the sickly children who were too much of a risk. The difficult choices they had to make weighed heavily on their collective consciousness. The seventy five chosen children were settled into the pre operative area of the hospital and the next day the surgeries would begin.

Over the next three days and nights Mei hiked through the dark woods and down the dusty roads trying to avoid detection. She foraged what she could to keep her energy up. The few hours she allowed for sleep were spent tossing and turning . She always woke anxious and afraid, trying to imagine a life that did not include the pitying stares of the tourists and Ushi’s relentless demands.

Two surgeries at a time were ruled over by the Director of Nursing of the group, Rosie, a small woman with a big heart who no one dared to cross. Rosie did her morning rounds starting with the physicians. Checking and double checking the equipment necessary for the surgeries she then turned to the pre-op area. She reviewed the notes on all of the children and spoke to each one individually, once again assessing their health and reassuring the families with her nurturing ways and quick smile. Her job, to leave Linyi with no complications, no infections, no child harmed, she took very seriously and they felt lucky to have someone as conscientious as her to lead them.

On the 3rd day of the trip a small child of questionable age walked into the clinic. Mei was barefoot and covered from head to

toe in the dust of the city. Her hair was matted against her head and she gave them a cautious smile when she approached them. She appeared hungry and dehydrated but her eyes showed intelligence and determination.

“I have walked for three days,” Mei explained through an interpreter. “I want to get my face fixed. I have no family, no one. Please can you help me?”
Over the next couple of days Mei hung around the hospital doing everything she could to help the workers. She bathed the younger children getting ready for surgery. She sponged them down tenderly and gave them hugs of reassurance. She sang to the ones who could not sleep. Everyone fell in love with this little girl’s spunk and determination but knew their hands were tied unless they could find someone to consent for her.

Two days before they were to leave, the elevator door opened and a woman named Ushi stormed toward Mei pushing through anyone in her path. They all watched in horror as Ushi grabbed Mei by the hair and dragged her toward the stairwell throwing punches at Mei’s face

when she could. One of the surgeons grabbed Mei away from Ushi and pulled her to safety. Ushi was escorted downstairs by security. She left the hospital but they all knew she would be back. Rosie may not be able to give Mei the surgery she requested but she could at least feed her and keep her safe for the next couple of days while they were in town. The physicians and nurses all pleaded with Rosie to let them do the surgery for Mei but now that she knew Ushi was Mei’s guardian Rosie could not agree without Ushi’s consent.

That evening Rosie walked down the deserted hallway shoulders sagging, dragging her tired feet. She noticed a light coming from the operating room. She opened the door and found one of the surgeons at the head of the bed, a nurse and an anesthesiologist at his side, a small form asleep before them. It was Mei. Rosie looked at the surgeon with confusion and asked “Who gave consent for this surgery?”

The surgeon looked her right in the eye and said “God did.”


The Birthday Party